Disclosing use of AI?

I'm hoping that I don't have to disclose it with ai generated backgrounds in animations, as things like daffy and Donald duck would also be "generates a realistic scene that didn't actually occur". Since I feel that it's an animation and already under an unconscious make-believe warranty! lol
I read it closer @mnrfas and it says any type of ai content, including sound. I use backgrounds and ai audio. Although I don't know if you could call it ai audio, as it only selects pre-recorded samples nicely from a library. Anyway.

I made a post on youtube today with the flag marked as yes, already its had 10 views, and 2 likes, so I think, as long as its still used in a good setting like a film or animation, it should be fine, and maybe even spark an interest among people.
@Panther28 In my case, i use Text to speech in the finance niche, so its a "sensitive topic".
My issue is 1st with the audience. will they stop watching if they see the banner?
2- will Youtube use this to train its algo against tts?
I use Midjourney to create thumbnails and backgrounds for my music channel. I've chosen not to disclose when I've read YouTube policies...
I just watched the Creators Insider video on this.

Right now, they say there are no consquences for NOT disclosing the use of AI to generate content. Yes the algo is looking to find AI generated content and they will start labeling it.

However, this might change down the road.

This is the video from the YT policy team where I just heard this information:

Labeling the content is really for the viewers, and monitization or ranking is not impacted is what they say. I was surprised to hear that if you add a snowstorm to your summer footage of a cali beach for example, then you would have to disclose that as altered too. Seems, like they are just rather than focusing on ai, making a label of altered content generally, and letting viewers figure out how much ai is in it if at all, just to be aware that its not original without edits. I think there will eventually once they do auto rollout of this, be so many labeled videos, that it wont be even easy to find something that ISN'T altered!
Labeling the content is really for the viewers, and monitization or ranking is not impacted is what they say. I was surprised to hear that if you add a snowstorm to your summer footage of a cali beach for example, then you would have to disclose that as altered too. Seems, like they are just rather than focusing on ai, making a label of altered content generally, and letting viewers figure out how much ai is in it if at all, just to be aware that its not original without edits. I think there will eventually once they do auto rollout of this, be so many labeled videos, that it wont be even easy to find something that ISN'T altered!
I don't believe what YouTube says. I am using an AI voice on my channel and I have not been disclosing it. I wonder if people watching will have an option to filter out AI labeled content, that will definitely hurt some channels.
The only reason why they are asking you to disclose that you used AI because they are clueless at detecting AI content, hiring somebody to check the videos would take too long and cost too much, so they ask you kindly so that they can later penlize it, i say f em
I got a simple rule. If they me to do something, I do the opposite. The www was so much better and free before them.
classic bait and switch move by yt. they use shitty AI to demonetize channels already, but the AI for voices got so good that they cannot detect TTS so they ask you to mark it and then later on they will manually choose who gets and doesnt get views

same shit as the made for kids bullshit. they use stupid automated systems that ruin a lot of people's content and they protect the big accounts from it.
The only reason why they are asking you to disclose that you used AI because they are clueless at detecting AI content, hiring somebody to check the videos would take too long and cost too much, so they ask you kindly so that they can later penlize it, i say f em
Exactly, so they can later penalize or demonetize the channel.