This is like asking "do you use sriracha sauce in your cooking? How does it help in your food"Hello, do you guys use data science for IM?How does it help you in your project?
Sure, it's quite right analogy but I Just wanted to get into details rather than swimming over surface of knowledge.This is like asking "do you use sriracha sauce in your cooking? How does it help in your food"
It has its place in the process. And is useful when the recipe calls for it.
That's the thing tho. It's really not possible to give any meaningful details when your question is so broad.Sure, it's quite right analogy but I Just wanted to get into details rather than swimming over surface of knowledge.
Scraping blackhatworld is not allowed.I scraped the WTB subforum, there's something like 8500 threads there dating back to 2010 or so. I ran a simple stopword pre-processor, did some topic modelling and got what I needed.
I never said i scraped the Want To Buy and Hire A Freelancer subforums of blackhatworld.comScraping blackhatworld is not allowed.
So you got a nice confession here. Maybe they'll skip that one.
Data science? Everyone is grabbing and selling data left and right in internet marketing.
The more filtered data you have, the more cash you can get.
If you asked me which I prefer, data or money, I'll always tell you data.