Damn Spamhaus!!!


Junior Member
Oct 6, 2012
Reaction score
Spamhaus really messing email marketers up. You can't even send emails out and it is so disappointing.

Have you bypassed them before? How were you able to send out emails without their blacklists. Please share your experience.
Just use new rotating IP's one per every 1K emails.. That's all you need to do..
There are tons of tutorials on mass mailing available right here. Search for them.
I know but most seems not to solve or bypass spamhaus issue. It’s tiring.
I used to direct to inbox emailing years ago and Spamhaus. Creating the adverts was the biggest problem as I had to check the spam score everytime I added to the advert. I think back then if the score was over 5 then the email would not get through.

Add on top just the ip which it came from added to the score. Out of 10000 emails it was such a low percentage that actually got read, I gave up in the end.

Good luck.
Yeah you need to rotate your IPs/Domains for high success rate