DA 60 chinese backlinks?


Regular Member
Dec 7, 2014
Reaction score
I have found a domain that is emd and high in DA PA TF etc but all its backlinks are chinese and used to be a chinese based site.

Will this affect USA based searches?

Anyone had luck with this before?
I have found a domain that is emd and high in DA PA TF etc but all its backlinks are chinese and used to be a chinese based site.
sounds like big spam. Check the backlinks. Its an EMD so almost probably it was handled by a seo guy. He will have good reasons to drop this domain.

I just buy expired domains where I am 100% sure that there is nothing seo-ish. Mostly non-commercial sites.
It was a chinese guy, who had an online games website. Nothing drastic , just sh*t loads of links.
Well it used to have 400k links but now it has 140 according to ahrefs. But DA and PA still showing the same. Do you think it is outdated DA PA result. ?
Check if it was indexed in Google index or not.I also had a couple of domains with a lot of Chinese links with good DA and PA.They are not effective in my experience.Hope someone more experienced give their opinion about these
Yes its in the google index, im really unsure about this one. Its just the emd, DA & PA thats making me just want to grab it! it now has low backlinks so if i deverisfy it, i think it might be a good fix...

so confused...
if the keyword is good and you're expecting lots of Chinese traffic, buy it and sell the traffic to adult tubes or jav bucks =)
I usually avoid domains with chinese backlinks.
Google definitely paying attention to region, if site was popular for Asian, Chinese region and no traffic from USA to it, I doubt it will improve your site.
It is just a my theory and observation. Best boost is from links of sites in your niche and your region.
I also avoid domains with chinese anchors and backlinks. DA can be manipulated easily using GSA ser blast.
I don't think that the Chinese links are considered as spam if its from quality sites.Still,Its better to make backlinks from USAsites if you want to target USA.
personally, I would not spend money on domains with Chinese links.. but if you have time and money you can try and see if it works for you.
If it has good links to it then it can help your site, but I would be worried about spam. Need to check it carefully.
Yeah when i checked out the links on moz, they were all high authority & trustflow from homepages. It seems the links have gone from 400k down to jsut 150! over 1 year and the good ones have maintained. It is from chinese site only 20 reffering domains and the anchor diversity can easily be changed. (very small % for each word.)

Im just holding out the da and pa maintains then i think it can fly high!

Does anyone know if the next da update will shrink the site to zero?
I wont think twice, buy it. In as much the TF is high and 1-2 ratio with CF. I have bought chinese links on english website before without any problem. I dont know why people here makes big hooah about it.
Yeah thats the way i felt cocococo. The site is still indexed etc

Do you think it will hold on on the DA n PA?
Any site that has a Chinese backlink profile I just chuck.

Usually these websites are part of some network of Chinese websites that interlink with each other (ie related stores etc) where the links will be removed anyway.

Furthermore unless you can read Chinese, I'm not about to go try to verify these links anyway.

Just chuck em.
i don't think it can help because backlinks to the domain is not diversified and in different language than your site is