Actually I did read it, my question is what projects people think is the best, and are the worst scams they’ve seen. I guess I poured some water into the mud to make it clearer."Share some info" - read the rules for this section maybe, as this question is as clear as mud.
- Before asking where to buy a coin or what the best wallet is, read through the thread and search the forum before asking a question.
Guess so, thank you for your time.There are many good projects who are willing to get into to light of sun. If we read whitepaper, we can see plenty of good projects. However, now it's too early to say which projects will be best. Now we have BTC, ETH, NEO, WAVES, ESO and a few more working projects who are really great. But you know.. Crypto has a lightning speed of changes. Who will be the best after 1 or 2 years? It's hard to say..
Ive seen so much blackhat with papers that mean nothing actualy...You can use CryptoCompare or Icbench to read more about the type of projects - and also to read the whitepaper of the project it self.
Love the MVP part, actually that could be true, thanks.If you are doing icos, pick the ones with all-star teams and that already have a prototype or MVP.
I guess not a answer with a guarantee result.Nobody have an answer for this mate