Creating web 2.0 property's


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2008
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Hey when creating web 2.0 property purely for back-links, what are some ways to reduce your potential footprint with google?

Is it really necessary to create multiple accounts, for example with Ezine you can simply change your author name.

Any other suggestions?
Honestly I do not worry so much about creating multiple accounts because I do not do anything against any site's TOS. As far as leaving a footprint for Google the only thing that I have found to be necessary is posting unique content and changing up the anchor text.
mad.hat's right...the most important thing you can do is use unique content and a variety of anchor texts.

Also, try to use as many different web 2.0 platforms as possible. If you do this, you shouldn't have to worry about creating multiple accounts at one site, but one account at a variety of different sites.