Creating a new facebook profile to advertise


Aug 15, 2019
Reaction score
Hello everyone.

When i read topics about 2 business manager banned + profile banned, i see a lot of people suggesting "just create a new facebook profile with new ip, new cc, new phone number, new mail, new ip etc etc etc...."

but does anyone here know if it works ?

Have you ever tried that ? or do you know people who do that ? does it really works ? because suggesting is cool but does anyone really ever tried it and can confirm it works sustainably in long term ?

Hi. I know how you can create a new personal account. Dont know if its the same for business/ads?
Yes it works. But in case there was any policy violation because of which you got banned and you repeat the same you are bound to get banned again. Play smart.
Yep, otherwise, you wouldn't see FB sellers on here. Make sure to not leave any footprints while creating accounts next time.
Ok it works but i have a question :

i buy an aged PVA facebook account to advertise again (not blackhat ads, just dropshipping ads)
if i put a new cc, i will still have to write my real name on the "cardholder" field no ?
they can't trace me if i do that ?

If i buy a new PVA account, what do i need to change to start advertising again ? using proxy or VPN ? don't they ban if they see datacenter ip from VPN ? do i need a new cc ? new domain name ?
how long will my account last before they ask me to upload my business documents ?

any feedback about this please ? thanks
Yes, it works but be careful when you use it now. First, you need to analyze why your account got banned and do not repeat it now. Its better to follow the facebook policy and find time to read it fully.
Yes, it works but be careful when you use it now. First, you need to analyze why your account got banned and do not repeat it now. Its better to follow the facebook policy and find time to read it fully.
Yes i agree with you, i want to comply with facebook ads policies now, but the problem is that i lost my 2BM and i think i'm flagged by their system... (maybe i'm too paranoia)

Anyone here bought new facebook accounts to advertise again properly ? any feedback ? how long does your new account last ?