Create quick and easy landing pages


Registered Member
Nov 16, 2019
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Is there a good alternative to AWS?
I've managed to get a LP up and running there but it's pretty complex. I'm looking for something that will allow me to switch things up quickly and also use multiple domains / multiple landers - hassle free.
Lots of people talk about wordpress but I've heard that loading times are significantly reduced there.
I need something simple and quick.
What about CPABuild?
Is there something like that where you can just get something ripped and edited before uploading and online in a short space of time?
I also suggest unbounce. Even if you already have an existing wordpress website you can use unbounce to create landing pages as your wordpress site sub pages, that might not something you need but that is one good feature they have. Also, they have a A/B testing feature.
You can host html pages on Netlify. You need to edit them by hand though.
Just get your hands dirty in html,css and js.
Will be able make your own LP and can even edit ripped pages according to your needs.