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CPAlead [Malware Warning]

From another forum:

It seems that someone got access to Justin's skype. (affiliate manager of CPA Lead)

I talked to him earlier about something and everything was okay.

The goo.gl link redirects to a file named GoMoney.exe and probably is a virus.

So some clown manges to hack the skype account but doesn't disguise the link better? Clown.
yes he is working on getting the account fixed

but some people clicked on it and may have installed already

i got it to
It`s happened to me as well! Hopefully he will solve this problem with account soon.
yea lol same thing happened with me....had a 5 mins. convo with the guy who hacked his skype and the moment i received that shortener link and the way the guy was talking i knew it was someone else :)
Seems this has been going on for a while. I don't know who that Justin dude is, but I got hit by something similar to this a few weeks back.

[2/7/2014 1:49:16 PM] SkypeUser: you around?
[2/7/2014 2:06:09 PM] SkypeUser: did i remember to tell you we earned thousands with http://goo.gl/cRS751 this past 2 weeks sign up asap

I edited his name obv, but it was someone that I had met from here and no longer talked to. He ended up messaging me later apologizing saying his Skype had been hijacked. Heads up though to anyone who might not realize what contact/buddy list spamming is.