Hey BHW,
Here again to ask for any help or tips with this method. I'm sure many of you know the facebook method, Essentially run campaigns going to your external webpage (or a fb page) with a CPA offer on it(or link to your CPA offer).
I have a few questions & concerns I'm hoping you guys may be able to help me with. I've attempted to do this before and I was very unsuccessful. Only used about $25 worth of advertisements (CPC campaign) and yet, not one lead. Does anyone have any suggestions/tips to perhaps help increase my leads (or even lower the cost of my CPC campaign (currently at .37 per click, although I've heard some campaigns getting MUCH cheaper clicks). Thanks guys!
Here again to ask for any help or tips with this method. I'm sure many of you know the facebook method, Essentially run campaigns going to your external webpage (or a fb page) with a CPA offer on it(or link to your CPA offer).
I have a few questions & concerns I'm hoping you guys may be able to help me with. I've attempted to do this before and I was very unsuccessful. Only used about $25 worth of advertisements (CPC campaign) and yet, not one lead. Does anyone have any suggestions/tips to perhaps help increase my leads (or even lower the cost of my CPC campaign (currently at .37 per click, although I've heard some campaigns getting MUCH cheaper clicks). Thanks guys!
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