CPA Facebook Method


Oct 31, 2011
Reaction score
Hey BHW,

Here again to ask for any help or tips with this method. I'm sure many of you know the facebook method, Essentially run campaigns going to your external webpage (or a fb page) with a CPA offer on it(or link to your CPA offer).

I have a few questions & concerns I'm hoping you guys may be able to help me with. I've attempted to do this before and I was very unsuccessful. Only used about $25 worth of advertisements (CPC campaign) and yet, not one lead. Does anyone have any suggestions/tips to perhaps help increase my leads (or even lower the cost of my CPC campaign (currently at .37 per click, although I've heard some campaigns getting MUCH cheaper clicks). Thanks guys!

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People get much cheaper clicks by going to CPM. But for that you need to make sure your AD is getting a decent CTR before you switch to CPM. You use CPC to test this first, see what CTR you get. You should have very many different Ad Copies to see which version gets the highest CTR. When you have a good CTR, then you make the same campaign only with CPM. That's how people get very cheap clicks.
Makes much more sense now! Thank you very much chipmunk! If anyone else has any other suggestions, please let me know!

I didn't make a lead either, but oh well. :P

I made 32 fanpage fans! :D I still have like $10 so I may try something else..

A lot of people don't believe in CPA offers. They see, "Free Jersey!? Too good to be true."
better to buy status updates, 30mins for 15$ on big fan page can bring lot more fans/leads/tokens or whatever else.

and.. i hate fb ads :P spend around $50 and didn't make any $
Bullshit. Tell that to my bank account.

I like your attitude. ;) I created a thread a while ago, bitching about how I wasn't making shit. Realized the only way to succeed was to fail. So I'm going with another attempt. :D
is everyone only focusing on buying clicks? last time I checked clicks were 100% free on facebook.
better to buy status updates, 30mins for 15$ on big fan page can bring lot more fans/leads/tokens or whatever else.

and.. i hate fb ads :P spend around $50 and didn't make any $

Where do you buy them from?


Last time i tried on fiver the stupid person who had reviews and seemed legit, goes and posts an update on some fucking big fan page that didnt even belong to them, meaning the update didnt go to everyone on that list. Something i could have just done myself.
I just receive cpa offer now but I do not know how it works....