I was just saying they shouldn't be telling consumers that everything is of bad quality when clothing is usually the same quality. They should still be banned,but the rumors of lesser quality should stop.
Major sports leagues have become assholes lately with will sue you for any fucking thing mentality I can understand suing for counterfeit products and stuff like that. but it gets stupid when The NFL was going to sue a church a few years ago for using the term "Superbowl Party" which is fucking stupid PR. And the reason so many websites have been taken down that broadcast NFL games lately. Is because about 2 years ago the NFL hired a full time Lobbyist in D.C.
But that's what I'm saying, why would they stop saying that replicas are crap when you have to be super selective and careful when purchasing replicas or you WILL get crap? If 10% of the market is good, then 100% of it is bad. I wouldn't spend time or money discerning which of the companies knocking my products off are doing a good job, then saying, "you can get the real stuff from us, but if you go to Company A you'll get the exact same thing for 1/3 the price. Just don't go to Company B, they do horrible knockoffs.
I also wouldn't stop saying that they're all horrible knockoffs. That's just going to encourage people to go to my lower priced, similar quality competitors. I'd do exactly what they do... "These guys suck and here's 100 things to look out for to spot a fake." (AKA, 100 reasons knockoffs are all garbage.)
But it's true about sports leagues. The NCAA is not so bad, each school handles its own licensing (so do pro teams, but it's the MLB/NFL that are the sue-happy assholes), so there are some schools that are dicks. I hear Notre Dame is a tough one to land.
I actually called the MLB, though and asked them what I would need to do to display "MLB," the logo and "Major League Baseball" on my site and they kept transferring me to the licensing department for new products. After explaining that I don't make products, I just retail them, that's when I found out that you simply can't use their image for retail... Why? Because they have their own shop. So fuck them, I use it anyways and I will until I get a C&D.
There is no doubt that replicas hurt the original 's manufacturer. And if I was the manufacturer, I 'd probably be more pissed than
He has every right to be mad at his competitor and his supplier.
As a customer though, I do not really care. For example, I do not normally use a watch. When I go meet a high profile customer/contact, I must wear the proper clothes and accessories that support the image that I wish to project, because that 's what is the norm where I live. Would I give $15.000 for an expensive watch for this reason? Definitely not! I just got a high quality replica and I always get the wtf! stare
Hint: High quality pen replicas can be ultra effective as gifts in some cases
Meh, I'm not mad about it. We just stopped going through that manufacturer and my competitors can all suck my dick whether they knock me off or not. No harder feelings.
Also, as a customer I really don't care. But when it comes to carrying the products, I like having officially licensed stuff. It's a good reason for higher prices which means better profit margins (same price for official stuff, why not?), it's less complaints, tire kickers and returns. But I've purchased a lot of knockoff stuff knowingly, Jordan shorts, earrings, clothes, stuff like that.
I have a nice Ecko Unltd. watch for looking spiffy and a Parker pen. Watch is like $125 and the pen is around $20 and I prefer it over other pens anyways. Parkers are the best for writing.