Copyright question


Junior Member
Jun 30, 2009
Reaction score
File maker has software display boxes on their website that has a blue folder in the middle of it, thats basically there icon. My question is can I have a software box with the a similar design? A blue folder in the middle, not exactly like theirs but similar, I mean can you copyright a blue folder as a software icon for display purposes. See link below.

any advice is appreciated.

Thank you.
If they have not trade marked their logo then you should be fine as I would think this is a grey area to prove on their part if you wanted to use a blue folder in office commerce!! ....different if you copied the McD's golden arches logo or Nike swoosh...
You can go to the site for the patent and trademark office to do a basic search. Looks like they have trademarked things, but don't know if they did the folder.