Content locker - 63 clicks, only 5 conversions?!


Junior Member
Oct 4, 2009
Reaction score
okay, i think im getting cheated by the cpa network.. 63 people clicked the links in my content locker in total but only 5 of them completed an offer.. These offers are all easy submits that are free to the user. They all convert on the first page. And the item i am locking is a high value product. So i dont understand this.
That is actually pretty good to be honest. I usually get 1 conversion for 100 clicks. Is it very targeted visitors or general traffic? Is the product available somewhere else or do you offer it exclusively?
R u new to content locking.......
you got good conversions mate.......
First of all... have you talked with them about it?
Second... you personal stats usually differs from the networks' stats. Not because they are scamming you, just because they use different analytic software.
In any case... I believe that comparing your stats will be a good start. Show them what you have and ask questions, if still not convinced about their responses then better get away before you lose more money.
my 2 cents!
LMAO why you complaining your conversion rate is good man.....
Your conversion rate is actually in the right range. Some people get 0 leads/conversions for month(s).
ok. Well the traffic is facebook ads. I dont think you can get more targeted traffic! i use ads as im also gaining acces to post to their walls and add them to an email list :p i got 63 people on my email list. So it just wonderes me that if they wanna give me acces to their email and facebook account they wont complete a quick offer...
btw, 90% of the people who clicked the ad also connected with my app. Thats a pretty good conversion rate. So i just find it wierd they are not completing and offer to finish the registration and grant acces to their gift.
Yeah, conversation is really great. But what's the ratio of money spent on fb ads/money got from conversations? Are you spending more in fb ads than earning from conversations?
well, the ratio is 9 bucks spent on ads, and 6 bucks made on the content locker. But i got 128 people on my list. And also acces to post from their facebook accounts.
it just feels so wierd that they actually connect with my app and give me posting permission to their facebook accounts but they dont complete just a quick offer that is required to get their free gift?!
Damn that's great. Congrats. I may actually change my content locker ahahaha
Damn that's great. Congrats. I may actually change my content locker ahahaha[/QUOTE

I know, right. A conversion is a conversion. If you can make $1 you can make $10, and so fourth.
What CPA company are using for your content locking campaigns? 63 clicks with 5 conversions is actually good man, better than just 1 conversion per 100 clicks. You did a good job though, but can you tell us a bit about your own method of making money with CPA content locker sites?
yeah, my method is a basicly setting up a facebook application, that collects the users email and puts it on an email list + it gives me acces to post to their wall to achieve a viral effect. I then choose a social product, build a squeeze page and starts promoting it. I do alot of market research and calculations before i start off. But the truth is u never knows how its going to turn out :p
also there is ALOT of strategy behind my method. Thats how i achieved 128 subscribers in 90 clicks on my facebook ad. Thats more than a 100% conversion rate. But they just arent completing the required cpa offer to complete the registration which annoys me.. But i do go wall posting rights on their facebook accounts and have them on a targeted maling list. That is worth alot ;)