Combining Videos Of Different Dimensions > Please Help!


Senior Member
Jun 16, 2011
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Okay so at this point my head is about to explode.

I'm trying to combine two separate videos but am having issues. They are different sizes so when I combine them and upload to youtube there is a nice black box around the video. Basically it isn't fulling fitting into the youtube screen and its driving me absolutely crazy! Does anyone have any suggestions?

First make them one size and then combine it and post it on youtube.
Yeah I don't know what editing program your using but I would suggest to try and set your resolution to whatever size your smallest video is that your working with, and then render.
If the editing software you use has the option to maximize and minimize the size, then listen to what Derek said. If it doesn't have such an option or you have no idea how to do that, then simply convert your problem video with the help of some video converter into the desired size and in the same format (without losing any quality, if it is possible) then combine them. By the way, if there is a huge difference between two videos like, one being 4:3 and other being 16:9, then you don't have much chance in what you are trying to do.