.com or .me?


Senior Member
May 31, 2011
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If you want to have a domain name where 'me' is the last word. For example, dogsforme. What will you buy? dogsforme.com or dogsfor.me? What if the name is a bit longer? For example, findadogforme. So which one; findadogforme.com or findadogfor.me?

In terms of SEO and rankings, I guess .com will be better. What about people's perspective? I want to buy a domain for my new website and I just want to know if it is not a bad idea to go for a .me. What do you suggest?
i guess that for seo it wont be as good, but I think that you have more of a chance of going viral with a .me in your case, look at del.icio.us for example or ******
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if seo purposes go with the .com

if you want to be viral or fan based. go for .me
.com is evergreen due to many effect like it's easy to remember, easy to creating traffic, if you purchased .com that's well in good.
I'd buy both, if you have the money. Domain is always a good investment when you're starting a project. And as the main domain I'd use .me version, people are getting used to these "domain hacks" and it looks new and modern :)
If you really plan on doing something with it then just cough up the extra cash right now and buy both..you won't regret it later..If it's just some little side project I'd go with a .com because you could probably get it for $1 at GoDaddy or somewhere..
.com is universal so go with it.You will have many benefits like seo,easy to remember and also if you sell it gets sold easily and get much value
.COM would be the better choice. If you are planning to copyright or have a trademarked name then you should register it in other extensions like .me etc ..
Yeah man if I was you I would buy both. Because here are the facts.

.com will be better for SEO
.me will be better for a fan base or viral name.

It is up to you but both of them are to hard to decide so I would buy both.

Good Luck
I'd go for the .com.
.me only if it's a really short 2 word name, like loan.me, help.me etc.
Buy .me if you have extra $1 then buy both .me and .com.

For me it's better to buy .com but im expert on viral thing so i would choose .me. :)
I beg to differ, .me actually do as good as .com in the SERPs.

Been doing SEO some good 6 years now. The trends favours both equally, not just in my opinion.
Don't go for .me
I've seen that often people go for such extensions just to make their domain names interesting, however what they overlook is such domain extensions are local to specific areas. From SEO point of view, you'll hit badly. Your site will get good rankings (by organic searches) only in Montenegro. It is better thay you go even for .us or .co.uk (but again, it will give you good results for rankings in the US or UK). I know someone who got the domain goodnight.pm and he had been struggling with it. Just because a domain becomes interesting and easier to remember, don't put your entire business on stake. :)
People would generally prefer dogsforme.com over dogsfor.me anytime. In short .com would always remain the king like our seniors used to say in early days of domaining and its 100% true so far and will also remain in future.
.com is evergreen due to many effect like it's easy to remember, easy to creating traffic, if you purchased .com that's well in good.

i totally agree with you as .com is universal one should opt for .com rather than choosing something difficult.