Clickbank + Youtube


Jun 22, 2011
Reaction score
What you say about:

Review as Video for Clickbank Product.
Everyday 2 Videos but Upload 1 Daily.
Promote same product no more than 2 times.

I would like to hear some pro contras or better ideas. Thanks

Hammylein91 the Original.
It would probably work but you would need to have a really good review of the product. I know some people who have had luck with using this method and hiring a nice looking reviewer to make the videos.
I've tried the "hire a hot looking girl off Fiverr to read your review" tactic, with hit and miss results. Sex doesn't quite sell everything, but it can make a boring topic bearable. Find a way to make the use of a woman natural in presenting a CB product on video, and it can pull in visitors to the landing page.
Actually my Master said. Think like your Costumer and think then why you would buy or watch a video from you. But this doesn't work on internet i guess. But i should try that out by myself. Nobody has to look "beautiful" because there is no Beautiful people out there actually. You just have to speak hypnotically and Well. There are just some tricks you have to use in yt to be success-fuller than others. I will maybe try that out and perfectible my way of speech and Representation. What you guys think... It is not making money for me anymore when i do Youtube videos to sell something. It would than a hobby to represent some products...
What you say about:

Review as Video for Clickbank Product.
Everyday 2 Videos but Upload 1 Daily.
Promote same product no more than 2 times.

I would like to hear some pro contras or better ideas. Thanks

Hammylein91 the Original.

With youtube I believe you will have to mass upload, Its harder then you think unless you really create quality.
Actually my Master said. Think like your Costumer and think then why you would buy or watch a video from you. But this doesn't work on internet i guess. But i should try that out by myself. Nobody has to look "beautiful" because there is no Beautiful people out there actually. You just have to speak hypnotically and Well. There are just some tricks you have to use in yt to be success-fuller than others. I will maybe try that out and perfectible my way of speech and Representation. What you guys think... It is not making money for me anymore when i do Youtube videos to sell something. It would than a hobby to represent some products...
Your master? What are you, a slave or something?
Oh Common guys it's like my mother said or my father said i used my master because my mind controls me o.O ?
I'd really like to know if anyone has success with this approach of marketing.. :)?
I would rather choose some other products to review than CB stuff. The problem with CB products are that besides the IM stuff, most products are in health or relationships niche. Especially reviewing health products can be a problem if you cannot show how the product helped.

When using video as a tool, it's better to have something visible, i.e demonstrate what the product does.
You'll need to do more than a couple of videos on YT to see any kind of success. For instance, from my own experience, I have a CB product that earns around $3k a month from G search traffic. I put up around around 90 videos on YT and got around 10k views and did not sell anything on the same product. So it really depends on the products you put on YT and how many videos you have.