i can still login in my account but when i click to my hop link I recently sell it (made about 170$) via email and i got this

Great! I contact them but they haven't answer, so what's happened to my account? Am i gonna get banned? Should I continue selling CB products or I should stop and wait. What the heck CB doing? So the lesson is you only can sell CB products with your own website, don't waste your time with Email, either youtube you will violate their TOS or someone will flag your videos. CB is wasting my time, better build website and put Google Adsense on it, earn money without worry about so many stupid things with CB. I know maybe some guys make a lot from CB, maybe they sell books like: how to become millionaire with CB, how to success with CB.....

Great! I contact them but they haven't answer, so what's happened to my account? Am i gonna get banned? Should I continue selling CB products or I should stop and wait. What the heck CB doing? So the lesson is you only can sell CB products with your own website, don't waste your time with Email, either youtube you will violate their TOS or someone will flag your videos. CB is wasting my time, better build website and put Google Adsense on it, earn money without worry about so many stupid things with CB. I know maybe some guys make a lot from CB, maybe they sell books like: how to become millionaire with CB, how to success with CB.....