CJ Tax form question


Junior Member
Jun 12, 2014
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What tax forms do we fill if we are non-US citizen (resident alien), and have a US bank account? Don't have SSN or Tax ID.
Also, we don't own web servers or employ anyone. It's just a simple website that I made. Anyone can shed some light?
If you are not residents of USA then W-8BEN.
There is no need for US bank account,SSN or Tax payer ID if you don't have one.
And yes you can actually promote products on your website. There is no requirements for you to be a company.
You are an individual just like me.
Thank you. I hope I did it correctly, will find out if my first payment gets through.
One more follow-up, I am a college student in the US. However, I am not a US citizen or permanent resident, just an international student.
Somewhere on W8-BEN form I noticed it says:

Foreignpersons are subject to U.S. tax at a 30% rate on incomethey receive from U.S. sources that consists of:Interest (including certain original issue discount (OID));Dividends;Rents;Royalties;Premiums;Annuities;Compensation for, or in expectation of, servicesperformed;Substitute payments in a securities lending transaction;orOther fixed or determinable annual or periodical gains,profits, or income.

Am I simply supposed to select non-US person and fill W8-BEN? Also, are they going to deduct 30% of my earnings? I haven't done IM before so I am curious and don't want to mess this up. I am expecting my first payment this month.