The best tool I found for the job is called Exifer, is free, and can be downloaded here. To adjust your photos here?s what you need to do:
1. First of all create a new folder and put a copy of all the photos you wish to change inside it ? it is better to work from a backup copy in case something goes wrong.
2. Installer Exifer and run it. Browse to the folder containing the photos.
3. Select all the photos by Ctrl-A then right-click on an image and go to ?EXIF/IPTC? and click on ?Edit?.
4. Click the ?EXIF data? tab at the top of the window that opens. The click the ?Date tab below it.
5. Tick the box next to where it says ?Incremental (formore than one selected image)
6. You can then specify the number of days/hours/minutes to adjust all your photos by. Select the amount using the drop down menu and click okay to adjust your photos.
7. Check the photos carefully before deleting the originals.
There are times that the EXIF data may be corrupted meaning that you can no longer change the data but generally this should work without any problems.
$arkeyword=array("size", "foot", "zodiac", "birth", "...other words for randomize"); $arForComments=array("photo","picture","2013","...other words for randomize");
$arSlRand =array_rand ( $arkeyword, 3); $TEXT="2#05#Object Name=\"".$artist."\" 2#25#Keywords=\"".$artist.' '.$arkeyword[$arSlRand[0]].' '.$arkeyword[$arSlRand[1]].' '.$arkeyword[$arSlRand[2]]."\" 2#55#Date Created=\"".date("Y-m-d")."\" 2#80#By-Line=\"save from google\" 2#115#Source=\"save from google\" 2#116#Copyright Notice=\"saved on\" 2#120#Abstract=\"".$artist."\"";
file_put_contents("copiryght.txt",$TEXT); $ar=array(); $error='';
$image = new Imagick(); $image->readImage($path); $image->stripImage(); $image->setImageProperty('comment', $artist.' '.$arForComments[array_rand ( $arForComments, 1)].' on' ) ; $image->writeImage($path); $image->destroy();
exec( "/usr/local/bin/mogrify -profile 8BIMTEXT:copiryght.txt ".$path ,$ar, $error); exec( "/usr/local/bin/mogrify -profile 8BIMTEXT:copiryght.txt ".$new_path,$ar, $error);