cdn vs cloudflare wich should i use?


Jan 1, 2018
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Im currently hosting all my wordpress with digital ocean on my droplet that i installed cwp, im currently trying out cloudflare but I was thinking about getting a DigitalOcean space and enable cdn for my media and theme instead of proxying via cloudflare.

anyone knows if cdn would be better over cloudflare and why.

So CDNs generally will store and deliver more files than cloudflare. Cloudflare will just store Javascript, CSS, etc.

The digital ocean CDN will deliver images, or any other files you store in that storage from their CDN locations.
You cant proxy your email server via cloudflare, thats a paid cloudflare service. It exposes the ipaddress of email server for attack. So you can opt for a third party email service and forward the risk there or you have to buy paid plan of cloudflare. You can always opt not to use cloudflare.
CloudFlare is CDN, anyhow if you have money go for something like keycdn.
Go with cdn op you won't regret it.
Cloudflare will make your site slow choose some other cdn

Yes I know, that's why im thinking about cdn, since i changed dns for the coudflare dns it seems page loading time a bit longer than usual.

Will be setting up a DigitalOcean space to go side by side with my droplet and will set it up as a CDN. will test it out. ill keep thread updated
Yes I know, that's why im thinking about cdn, since i changed dns for the coudflare dns it seems page loading time a bit longer than usual.

Will be setting up a DigitalOcean space to go side by side with my droplet and will set it up as a CDN. will test it out. ill keep thread updated
sure man keep us updated
Your web site works for your visitors.
You need to keep that in mind and if something makes your web site slower, better start considering another options,
nowdays cloudflare are more reliable and secure then all other general CDN, also cloudflare provide high speed dns that you can't find with any other competetor, i always recommend cloudflare.
Cloudflare will make your site slow choose some other cdn

frankly, I was moving to a paid CDN last month.
before I move out from CF, i make a speed test and my site load at 3s
After move to paid CDN and I make many test, min i get 5s.

I will switch back to CF and test it out next month
So CDNs generally will store and deliver more files than cloudflare. Cloudflare will just store Javascript, CSS, etc.

The digital ocean CDN will deliver images, or any other files you store in that storage from their CDN locations.

Are you sure CF does not deliver image?
you can simply shit, but don't word and speech cannot simply bull

Cloudflare's Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a geographically distributed group of servers that ensure fast delivery of Internet content including HTML pages, JavaScript files, stylesheets, and images
Never recommend Cloudflare because if you use cloudflare then your site must slow.
Cloudflare is set up correctly will help your site loading, same as other paid CDN.

Don't spread false information because you don't know how it's working, please.
both, cheapest option I know is BunnyCDN which is dirt cheap
CDN all the way my man. You will never regret it.