CB computer ebook LIVE! Professional Sales Page + More! Massive POTENTIAL! $$$


Regular Member
Jul 8, 2009
Reaction score
Hello BHW members,

I am pleased to announce that my ebook "How to Build Your Computer" is LIVE on clickbank! It may take up to 24 hours to show up on the clickbank marketplace, but IT IS LIVE!

There is now a new domain as well as a professionally designed salespage!

This is the FIRST product of its kind on clickbank! Unlike a lot of products out there in clickbank that either do not work or sound too good to be true, this WORKS! I have been building my computers for YEARS, and I have built other people's computers for cash in my free time! I can guarantee you that this works! :) That means LOW refund rates!

Sales page: www.buildapcnow.com

The affiliate page and FAQ link on the bottom will be up today by night. (10/7)

It pays 70% commission to affiliates at a price of 47 dollars!

ANNOUNCEMENT: I have took pictures and videos of myself building a computer, so I will add the pictures into the ebook in 2 weeks at the latest and the video within a month as I have to edit them. This is at the LATEST! I will do my best to get them up as fast as possible! (hoping to release ebook updates by end of this week)

If there are still complaints or problems with the sales page that you think needs to be fixed, go ahead and leave me a comment or reply about it!

Thanks again for all the positive support as well as feedbacks/criticism!
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Notice: The site was down for 5 minutes. It's fixed now!
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It's back up! Fixed within 10 minutes! :)
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Hmmm, I might be interested in this, but only if you fix a typo :P

It's at the bottom right by the "Order Now" button.

"PS. People who have bought my guide ate 127 dollars STILL"

Pleassse change it to "at" :)
I will be updating the affiliate page later today with keywords, etc

I will also widen the range of customers by showing in sales page that this is also for people who wish to "upgrade" their computer! more updates coming soon!
very nice... prob make a killing in back-end sales since you've given them the sites to buy parts... hope those are your affiliate links;)
Thanks! And yes, I will be making back-end sales as well hopefully! :)
I am wondering how my sales copy is.

I'm thinking of adding "who is this product for" as well as a "why you should build a pc" on the top an something about me as well with pictures on the top

do you guys think that my sales copy is okay overall?
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Pretty cool sales page
I would buy if I was going to build and needed help
However I think you should colour these words in different

Table of Contents
1.Introduction2.About Me3.Introduction to How it Works4.Budgeting and Planning5.The Order in Picking Parts6.Parts of the Computer
a.Caseb.PSUc.Motherboardd.Rame.Disc Drivef.Hard driveg.CPUh.GPUi.Monitorj.Mouse, keyboard, speaker and OS7.Building Your Own Computer (Another page of table of contents in the real guide!)

Also perhaps get a vid of a really cool colourful modded PC running embed Youtube or on page. YOu know the ones that look like Tron movie
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bad typos mate

"this reprecent the splinde speed?"

are you sure it doesn't represent the spindle speed?

mite out a few buyers off
Hello, I have just posted an update on the sales page. Working on affiliate page right now!

The sales page is now more OPEN. this means that it includes customers who are interested in UPGRADING their computer as well! I also added in a section about "WHO the guide is for"
Do you guys think I should start testing this with 37 dollars instead of 47? Or should I leave it and test it at 47 for now and see what happens?
I still think the sales page is quite messy and when you get some sales through you should put some money into improving this.

Other than that though, it does sound like a cool product and I will definitely promote it.
Yes I will try to put more more into the sales page when I can put some money into improving this!
is it live yet? I can't find it in clickbank marketplace. Going to do my best to make my first internet dollars promoting this
Yes it is live! You can search for the vendor "bekev" if you would like to find it. I couldn't find it on clickbank marketplace with the title, but found it using my vendor ID.

Good luck!
Yes it is live! You can search for the vendor "bekev" if you would like to find it. I couldn't find it on clickbank marketplace with the title, but found it using my vendor ID.

Good luck!

cant find the vendor ;bekev'

Whats the link to promote? why not share it here . I have perfect site for this on conputer programming and pc maintainence hehe amazingly easy niche to rank for if you ask me.