Can you steal Facebook group members?


Registered Member
Aug 16, 2013
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Is there a way you can join a closed or private Facebook group and steal their members to send to your group?
All you can do is post your link their but the admins will block you for this.
You can share content from your page in those groups and that's probably the most you can do in terms of "stealing" them.
There's no way to steal users from any group. Where did you get that from?
I didn’t get it anywhere. It was a question. So how is it possible?
You can try to direct users to your group but to literally steal them would not be possible OP. But if you figure it out I would love to know I trying to fill my group
Lawcash said it was possible so I am asking how?
you can get all the members id in a group then send them all a dm to join your group .

if you want to do everything automation way look at this bot.

ninja blaster <<< thounsads use it daily , have a read .
Search "
How to target GROUPS with Facebook Ads…"

By - Jenifer Spivak
Lol, here is a good way to target facebook group members:
Post an engaging video to your page , and hide that post from news feed but copy the link of that video.
Now share that video to your target groups , go to your ads manager and create a custom audience and LLA
When I remember back the days Zuckerberg (Europe TV media call hinm "Soccerbörg") build his facebook site....scraping (stealing) myspace member profiles without asking any of them and then put all the members into his new facebook.
After that, in FB they had a FB member profile- all automatically, not using dumb member extractor or such things and send them email with invite link manually to all......

But as the founder and admin of FB forbid this method to all others......
So when this is possible, without doing any task manually, there must be tools for this who can do this- right?
