Can you crack it? - MI6 Competition crack the code


Junior Member
Sep 10, 2010
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have any of you guys seen this the mi5 have made a competition where people must crack the code and they can apply for a job


thats the code i dont even know where to start lol
if you know the answer

I have the answer already..

where do I send it to??

oh wait... I am an american... i do not want to work for the MI5...
So you did it. Well done! Now this is where it gets interesting. Could you use your skills and ingenuity to combat terrorism and cyber threats? As one of our experts, you'll help protect our nation's security and the lives of thousands. Every day will bring new challenges, new solutions to find ? and new ways to prove that you're one of the best.

No thanks, would be a hell of a commute :P
It's not MI6 (The Security Intelligence Service), nor MI5 (The Security Service), but rather GCHQ or more correctly, CESG.
Is there salary really good 24k pounds a year,or can someone with good skills make more with freelance jobs for any country.
24000 pounds is sh1t considering it's for national security.

I once considered working for intelligence services but as soon as I saw the money I thought "forget it".

I think it's intentionally low because they want people who will not easily turn. They want people who want to do it for their country. So low pay is a good way of testing that.
24000 pounds is sh1t considering it's for national security.

I once considered working for intelligence services but as soon as I saw the money I thought "forget it".

I think it's intentionally low because they want people who will not easily turn. They want people who want to do it for their country. So low pay is a good way of testing that.

Are there really people that think being loyal to their country is more important then money?:18:
I think it's intentionally low because they want people who will not easily turn. They want people who want to do it for their country. So low pay is a good way of testing that.

Mr. James (Bond) was very competitively reimbursed for his services to the Crown and he was very loyal. Why not take him as an example? :D
Mr. James (Bond) was very competitively reimbursed for his services to the Crown and he was very loyal. Why not take him as an example? :D

James Bond is my real life idol.. I try to act like hime everyday :) Charming, gentle, manly ... respects women.. always has smooth swag and cool look.
His Charasteristic are much more better them his body language :)
It is actually a nice way to recruit people.

I have interviewed potential employees numerous times, and always wished there will be some good filter between the interview and the application. HR succeed only partially, because they are not technical people. Such a test will separate the geeks from the nots.
Thats some really easy shit lol

"So you did it. Well done! Now this is where it gets interesting. Could you use your skills and ingenuity to combat terrorism and cyber threats? As one of our experts, you'll help protect our nation's security and the lives of thousands. Every day will bring new challenges, new solutions to find - and new ways to prove that you're one of the best."
So... What if I AM the cyber threat? :P
haha joke on you Mi6. The really "skillfull" people will always stay at the dark side :D
And wow. 25k salary. Wooooah so much moniess....
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This has nothing to do with MI5 or MI6. It's GCHQ -- Government Communication Headquarters.

For americans:

MI6 = British CIA
GCHQ = British NSA
MI5 = I don't think you really have an equivalent. MI5 can operate on British soil unlike the CIA on american soil. I'm not sure if MI6 can operate on British soil though.

I don't think you have an equivalent to an MI5, maybe the FBI is the closest, but they're not really the same thing.
I'm surprised they're taking on now staff considering the rest of the civil service has been made redundant and is in the process of being privatized...
