Can I use Content generators/spinners for academic essays


Junior Member
Jan 28, 2013
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Hello all

I found this forum by chance and golly i'm like a kid in a sweet shop :-)

I am new to all of this really but can anyone tell me if content generators/spinners can be used to produce academic essays?

Haha, if it could, I'd be getting straight A's! You could spin an essay that is out there already and make it unique, but it's probably going to take a lot of work and unless you move sentences round, restructure your paragraphs, and really put some effort into spinning the content well, you could get caught.

Content spinners are not going to create perfectly readable content in 1 click. They use synonyms to spin, so it's not going to read well without a complete edit, which can take a lot of time.
Kind of what I thought, but you never know lol ... back to my writers around the globe then !!

Thanks Gorillape
You can spin it to pass Copyscape,
just not sure that you can spin it to
pass your grades :)
you can spin it but it must be human readable or else you will face the consequences as well.
Being an educator by day, I can answer this quite definitively: No. But cheers, sir on your creativity. :p
This site:

...has done some interesting work on auto-generation of scientific papers via use of Markov-Chains and natural laguage processing algorithms.

Have to agree with @Gorillape said. His answer pretty much nailed it. You get an A for thinking outside of the box, though, since most essays and other academic papers are just a different kind of spun garbage.