Can I leech a websites bandwidth?


Feb 25, 2009
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I have a certain competitor within my niche who keeps stealing my exclusive content and putting it on their site for download.

These files are reasonably large, so because of this I wondered if there was some form of automated software or general method that would allow me to exceed his servers monthly allocated bandwidth to shut him down as revenge for stealing my material.

Thanks for any help guys.
Why don't you just contact your competitor's web host and report the copyright violation?
Because the competitors webhost requires DMCA to be filed and based on their abuse departments information it's a very drawn out and time intensive process. Ergo, It would be easier and quicker for me to simply try and shutdown his site for a month or two.
Are they Hotlinking? or just ripping your stuff.... If they are hotlinking to your stuff (images) you can really have some fun with them, if they are just ripping it then not much you can do except complain to anyone who will listen, make sure you can prove the content is yours, before you complain.
Are they Hotlinking? or just ripping your stuff.... If they are hotlinking to your stuff (images) you can really have some fun with them, if they are just ripping it then not much you can do except complain to anyone who will listen, make sure you can prove the content is yours, before you complain.

No they're not hotlinking, otherwise i'd simply switch the file to a trojan or add tub girl as an image.

I'm not interested in the complaining option for the reasons I stated in my previous post.

All I want to know is if it's possible to leech a websites bandwidth with some form of automated process or just if someone could share a method in general that I can use.
If I were you, and I'm glad I'm not, I'd be looking up some channels through which I could speak with some people who have bot net or two with which to use against this guy.

That'd be a last resort for me. Do your homework first and find out the monthly bandwidth limit he has with his web host (check with — this may be a feat you can do on your own, if his limit is low enough.

Otherwise, see if you can find a transloading service somewhere on the web. A site that will transfer the "large" file over to their server. Open up 10-20 tabs and let'r rip.

Best of luck. Get this guy.
Thanks for the information precision. I'll do some further reading up on everything you've suggested. :)

What part of show a sites bandwidth specifically?
Sure. Shoot me a PM and let me know how this works out for you.
That's also true seoex — I'd give the transloading a shot first, then go through the hassle of spamming his ass.
I like the transloading idea alot but I don't really like the idea of providing my server information as a location for the file to be transferred.

Are there any other options of transloading available or are there sites that offer transloading from the site the files on to another site like rapidshare or megaupload? Thus removing the need for me to use my own server or provide my details.

Thanks once again - Really appreciate the help so far.
Google DMCA notice template. You can DMCA him, his host and upstream provider yourself. I send out a few DMCAs every week and rarely will a host ignore one. If they do their upstream provider will not.
Ah FLAC... large file size. How big, exactly? If you tell me that, and we find out his host provider's monthly limit, I perhaps can help out with a few transloads.
53.10 MB is the biggest file he is using at the moment. (I think, although i'll need to take a long look through his files to confirm that)

How can I find out his monthly bandwidth allocation?
Please don't be offended but I would rather not disclose the details.

Would you mind just telling me how I can find out his monthly allocated bandwidth? It will be useful for me in general to know how to do such a thing.

Sure, go to and enter his domain name. Click on the "Registration" tab, then look at the 2 or 3 nameserver addresses. That should "point" you in the right direction as to who hosts his site.

If you're unsure, post the nameserver addresses here.
useing the whois info find out his host, then go to the host companys website and act like you want an account it'll tell you the bandwidth allowance
I already knew how to find out a sites host, but that doesn't really tell me what their bandwidth is, seeing as there are usually a number of packages available as well as types of hosting like shared, vps or dedicated.

Could anyone suggest any transloading sites for me to use? Considering I don't want to involve using my server and want to transload flac format files.

Thanks again guys, you've been a great help. It's much appreciated.