Can I Get My WP Theme Customized For $50 ??


Apr 24, 2012
Reaction score
Okay so i got a premium WP theme that does everything i want it to do for my Tech site, the only thing right now is that i want to look different and that means i need some customizations and CSS design changes.

I have taken screenshots of the changes i would like to me made on the theme, but the question now is who would do the exact same thing for $50 ?

Anyone ?
Added you on skype..lets discuss there and will let you know if they can be done for that much budget.

Waiting to hear back.
Please no need to contact me if you can't do a good responsive job, i know $50 is not much but i don't plan on throwing it away either :D
i would like to know further details (nature of modifications and customizations) before accepting this.
send me a pm or ping my skype.
thanks :)
i can do customization at $50 : asianadroit

we already worked on wordpress based theme from scratch
Okay am going to work with @ and see how this goes
Okay thing did not work out as planned with the last guy, so am going to try @ now and see how this goes
Okay the project is open again, needs to fix a few payment issues with PayPal at the moment
Hey OP, PM me the details. I might be able to help you out.