Buying fan on Fiverr


Power Member
Aug 13, 2012
Reaction score
Many facebook fan pages owners went recently buying fans to increase likes on their pages, or go buying likes for a certain posts.

Please not that most " fans sold " on fiverr are likejacked, using their " Access token, or other technical stuff on facebook, they are forced to like your page, status, picture, or whatever.
once that facebook user, find out that he is liking your page without his permission, he will definitively unlike your page, or even report it, ( example : me find out that i like a page that speak in Chinese -> go unlike -> report etc. )

Other people use Fake accounts, inactive accounts they have made or bought, might give you an increase with people liking your page, but never @ [ talking about your page ], and most of these accounts get closed by facebook for miss-usage what ends up getting increasing lose of fans on your page.

if anyone had a question or needed more information about this i will be glad to answer.
thank you