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Mar 7, 2009
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Ok if anybody has a method or tips for bulk international SMS sending and would like to share let me know. I'll pay you or whatever if you like. Been discussing with a few people and got NOWHERE. I dont really understand whats the secretive stuff is for. So If you are serious let me know. We can chat or something. Inbox me. Looking to send VOLUME.
For international SMS, purchase GSM modems and use Simple Mobile sims. To actually send, use SMS Caster.

Hope this helps.
Well, there's a sending solution. Works with gateway+SMTP and success rate is pretty much over 90%. you don't have to worry of getting banned cause the setup is quite easy.

Anyway, if you want more info or want to try it out, PM me or add me to skype: abturag
I've been doing some pretty sizable volumes of sending (Couple of 1000s per day) as a favour for my father who needs to be blasting property offers and I've been trying out various solutions. Below are the options that i have experimented with:


Very simple and intuitive form of SMS blasting. Uses a simple API gateway linked to a Droid phone to send messages. Credits at 1000 SMS for US$10. Pretty reasonable considered perfect (100%) send success rate. I personally still use this. If you are sending in larger volumes just crack their API. Anybody who want more information for Sent.ly could just PM me, since the co-founder is a friend's friend I could put anyone in touch with the person in charge there.


Pretty awesome, pretty slick. Issues with delivering rates. I get 95% at best, sometimes dips to 90%. Which is bad since I'm paying for it. Rates varies from country to country


Nice interface, might get confused with the rates as it varies from TELCO to TELCO. Which is terrible for me since I had to pay 2 cents USD for per SMS sent to my targeted telco. Which is bad for costing. You HAVE to have a US number to confirm your number, which is a pain in the butt. Not very well liked by me to be honest.

I'd go with Sent.ly really, and if you need to send crazy amounts I'd just crack their API or negotiate for an unlimited sending plan. If you send really big amounts I can put any BHWers interested in touch with the co founder.
I have a solution for Sending Bulk International SMS, and the best part is you dont have to pay anything, even if that would be 1miilion SMS . PM me or add me on skype : aishahriar
google auto sms system .....

Yep the auto sms system is the real alright, i have a cracked version, but where i got it.. they aren't offering it any more, and the official site isn't selling any more copies either
Yep the auto sms system is the real alright, i have a cracked version, but where i got it.. they aren't offering it any more, and the official site isn't selling any more copies either
u mean IMS?
what mobile UK network do you use? i'm having trouble finding one which won't cut me off within 100 SMS. :/
For international SMS, purchase GSM modems and use Simple Mobile sims. To actually send, use SMS Caster.

Hope this helps.

By a GSM modem, do you mean one of the hotspot/mifi things?
I suggest people look into what happened with SMS lately before trying to proceed with this.
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