Bot for needed


Junior Member
Nov 14, 2010
Reaction score
Hello,I need a bot for to post images.Can someone build this for me?
upload images from a folder or from a list of urls? I haven't looked too much into but I build bots all the time. PM me or add me on skype:zonfar
Is this what you were looking for :p

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zonfar, i need something as well. your skype name doesnt exist
what do you need? im currently logged onto skype "zonfar" but only for a few more minutes as I am very sleepy hah. Whats your skype?
still looking?
Attention: Stay away from this scammer shi t, she scammed me for 100$. I ordered tumblr bot with custom functions, I gave her idea and what she did is sold source code to someone else and turned off my bot. She is short term retarded kid who just want fast money, care all guys.
Attention: Stay away from this scammer shi t, she scammed me for 100$. I ordered tumblr bot with custom functions, I gave her idea and what she did is sold source code to someone else and turned off my bot. She is short term retarded kid who just want fast money, care all guys.

Shit list "her" and post proof.
I think its better to create new thread for that scammer shi t, instead to bother here. So, thats what I gonna do.