Bookmarking Demon - quick question


Registered Member
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
I've a whitehat site I want build links for and bookmaking will be part of the plan so:-

When setting up accounts on the different bookmarking sites should I used different identities/IP addresses?

Is it better to put up 10 bookmarks as Joe or the same but under different names? (3 from Bill 4 from Joe and 3 from Sam all accounts set up with different IP addy's)

Is it the name that matters or the IP?

Thanks aamcle
neither name nor ip of the accounts matters.
try to get bookmarks on different bookmarking sites to get links from different ips.
bookmarking demon just simply sucks... I have one and I'm not using it anymore. You will only get low % of success posted bookmarks.
neither name nor ip of the accounts matters.
try to get bookmarks on different bookmarking sites to get links from different ips.

Agreed, you can not really hurt your sites white hat sites with any bookmarking you do. The only thing is to avoid creating tons of accounts with the same ip/proxy from the same bookmarking site but doing that will only get your accounts closed and you blocked. No chance of affecting your sites.