bloggin software


Regular Member
May 31, 2014
Reaction score
hi, i need any software or services that can autoblogin and autoposting via rss .
i have crtain blogger websites and i need a tool to mass autoposting them with at least some thousand post per month .
can pay , i am not searhing any free or something . i just need a working software opr service , and i m at harry right now so if any please feel free to send me
I appreciate your effort to write your 4th post after 1 year :D

Well, Good luck OP
if you find this type of bot for your Blogger sites share it with us :D
hi, i know fully working plugins who can do your work.
publishing posts on your wordpress daily from RSS feed , even you can schedule it thrice or twice a day. :)
they are WPeMatico / CyberSyn
I don't know about this kind of plugins or softwares . But i think it is better to hire freelancers for this work.