Blogger or Wordpress?


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2010
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If i would like to create a blog which the best platform ?
and i would to create a blog on tech news,local news current affairs,gadgets but which the best platform to crawl my blog on SE and suggest me that i will create my blog on blogger sub domain or wordpress sub domain or directly start from .com???
I personally am a big fan of, because I can customize everything as much as I want to. There are obvious pro's and con's for both, and Blogger are both free, but limited. It ll depends on the scope of your project, and how in depth you want your blogs to be.
i will make my blog as big it will be and i am writing the articles original
If i would like to create a blog which the best platform ?
and i would to create a blog on tech news,local news current affairs,gadgets but which the best platform to crawl my blog on SE and suggest me that i will create my blog on blogger sub domain or wordpress sub domain or directly start from .com???

I would say they're both good , if you choose one of them just take the most of it and you should be good.
which platform is best for all search engines crawl and which fast crawl in search engines.?
spuunman said:
Without a doubt it has to be wordpress, i'd advise anyone to take the time and learn wordpress, its not difficult and you will be extremely happy you did when you see everything wordpress has to offer.

Take this advise.
ok thanks for choosing platform and what i need to use from beginning sub domain or top level domain?
wordpress is best in all way...
u can do anything with wordpress than Blogger..
wordpress 100%.. Matt Cutts publicly says it's the best platform for SEO
Because wordpress very good inc.And wordpress in the evolution.continous...
Blogger is clasic.Moving forth again blogger is clasic...