Blogger not doing adult anymore.


Regular Member
Jan 1, 2015
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When promoting adult sites I always got good results with adult pages on blogger. Plenty of traffic without promotion and some even made it's way on to my main sites. You will not have to guess my shock when I seen an Email today from blogger about a content policy update. Normally I wouldn't read that but gave it a quick look. They are no longer doing adult pages. Only adult images or content done in an artistic way blah blah. Balls to that then.
Yeah got that message today in Dashboard.
I agree with you. I have also noticed it, when I was promoting my adult site. I think it is quite easy to get traffic on an adult site rather than any food or bodybuilding site.
Smart move. Otherwise their blogger support team (which by the way consists of 1 person), spends too much time watching porn.
Smart move. Otherwise their blogger support team (which by the way consists of 1 person), spends too much time watching porn.
I don't agree. I think they had one person build blogger back in the day. But I think he may have died of old age already. No support team. :cool:
Damn, thats gunna be a lot of sites. Feel sorry for those who have put a lot of effort into making those adult blogs
Its a highlighted Message in Blogger Dashboard now that form 23 March adult content wont be available :)
It was predicted a few years ago. Hos your blogs on your own servers.
It was predicted a few years ago. Hos your blogs on your own servers.

yea I do host my own. But blogger was really nice for traffic and backlinks with minimal efforts.

Tumblr is also great. So more efforts now going there. But will be looking for something else as well though.
I never even knew its possible to have it there, always put your effort to sites you own and backup everything automaticaly or one day you will have very bad morning when all your stuff is gone.
so you won't be able to create more adult blogs, but what's with all the blogs which were created before? how are they planning to remove them? automatically i don't think it can be done, just switch the blog to SFW in the settings, unless you get reported, you'll be fine methinks
how not to get reported or at least make it more complicated? remove the navbar :)
If you're looking for USA traffic from blogs, wordpress is better. Sometimes i get 200 uniques with a single blog post for at least a week.
Do not post affiliate links or you'll get banned.
Google is the master blogger. People who use blogger is stuffed google
would e commerce selling some adult lines be banned?
I had a feeling they'd do something like this eventually.
They are bound to do this eventually -- not surprised. Lots of blogs will be affected and needs to migrate.
Yep they backed down after feedback. They are continuing with the current policy.