Hello there,
I was thinking about this lately.. A great method to get a girl into bed using blackhat techniques.
I was thinking about this lately.. A great method to get a girl into bed using blackhat techniques.
First of all you need to work on your body on-site SEO (Sorting your hair, suiting up, having "Get Me" H1 tags in your t-shirt..etc)
Now comes the offsite SEO, get some reputation (Backlinks) in other words, FAKE girls (Bitches) with high PR (Reputable) talking how awesome it is to sleep with you. Get those bitches with you to the club..
That's all folks ! 2 easy steps and you'll almost any girl you want into bed.Aim on girls with low competition (No strong BF or something) and high CPC (Big b0bs& ass).
Good Luck