Black Screen Of Death With Cursor -- Solutions??


May 24, 2010
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Not sure where to ask this but I just got hit with the black screen of death with cursor. I was wondering if anyone had any solutions?

So I have a Dell 9400 with XP SP3. Prior to this I had a virus but wasn't too bad. So I turned off my computer (moving) and then stored it for a few days. I tried turning it on and the first message was something about some file was not available the it went to Dell startup then I get the Windows boot screen.

But usually where the screen goes to a background its just black. Black with the cursor can move.

I tried taking out the battery and pressing start, I can press Shift button to get a 'beep'. Alt Cltr Del or Alt Shft Esc does not get me task manager. I don't have the Windows XP installation CDs anymore but I do have the reboot or re-installation disk (I don't think it helps).

I have stuff on there I need to get off at least. I would like to get this working since I have some BHW to get :(
Download a copy of the Ultimate Boot CD, burn a copy and have your laptop boot off the CD. You should have access to your files from the file manager on the Boot CD. It has saved my ass more than once! By booting off the CD you disable any malware present on your system so you don't have to worry about it infecting your backup media unless you accidentally backup the original source of the infection.
While system is booting press and hold "F8 Key" which should bring up the "Windows Advanced Options Menu". Chose from that menu :"Safe mode".
If it'll load up - than you can start fixing your system.

OFC you can reinstall your system using Recovery Partition. But first use some Live CD to backup all your files :)
Download a copy of the Ultimate Boot CD, burn a copy and have your laptop boot off the CD. You should have access to your files from the file manager on the Boot CD. It has saved my ass more than once! By booting off the CD you disable any malware present on your system so you don't have to worry about it infecting your backup media unless you accidentally backup the original source of the infection.
Yeah I second that on the Ultimate Boot CD. It's saved my ass many times. It also has a lot of other tools on the cd that come in useful when working on any pc whether it's yours or a customers.

One other thing that's kind of a no-brainer but need to check anyway. Did you try booting into safe mode? If you tried but F8 or F5 didn't get you into it then do a search on google for more information. There's quite a few websites with info that might help with this.
Sorry, the virus has been on for several months and been trying to get it off. In fact, I believe for a long time I had it off.

Its a laptop.

I tried 'Last Known Config" and "Safe Mode"
none would work. Safe Mode is the same thing, black screen with cursor. I did F8, I thought about checking BIOS but not sure what I would change.

I looked at alot of websites with a wide array of possible solutions. The ultimate boot seems successful but not sure where to get one. So I can download a legit copy on the net? I am on the verge of getting a new laptop (unrelated to this issue). The laptop I got in 2005/2006, its old, I had the hard drive fail multiple times and I need something much faster. But I do have files I need to get off and I would like to have it working as a backup lappy.
The ultimate boot seems successful but not sure where to get one. So I can download a legit copy on the net?
Just do a search on google for
"hiren's ultimate boot cd download".
You'll find the right link there. :cool:
and it's a free program.
Change to Linux... more specifically, Ubuntu as its easy to use for Windows users.

Boot from LiveCD, copy any files/docs you need to keep, then format and install.

Install WINE to run your Windows apps/tools.

Install VirtualBox by Sun for any programs than dont run in WINE. Install Windows XP into Virtualbox, install all your (virus-free) basic apps/tools you will always use, then in Ubuntu make a copy/backup (cut&paste) of the virtual harddrive. If you ever get a virus, simply delete the virtual drive and copy (cut&paste) the backup then rename it back to the original. A working, virus-free XP again without having to reinstall.

That virus decimated your registry a long time ago. Boot with the Ultimate CD. recover your files, reformat and then reinstall your OS. And I second using Ubuntu particularly if you hang out in rough neighborhoods.