Bitcoin: Get ready for Christmas pump and dump


Regular Member
Jun 28, 2019
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The last year's Christmas pump started December 17 and ended by 24th and also Dec. 27th...

I made about 35-40% of my initial investment in profits but I end up losing because I failed to cash out on time (after Xmas).

So be warned, no matter what you invest in crypto don't let the Christmas catch you HODLing!


December 17, 2018 - January 2019

Thanks for your warning :)
But how can we be sure, that will repeat?
Thanks for your warning :)
But how can we be sure, that will repeat?
A quick idea would be to check the previous years before last year to see if there is a similar trend , then play it by eye - because the dates may be similar but not the same
Oh I am ready with my all guns, but not for bitcoin. BTC is a scam.
Just wait for 180 days for BTC halving, Invest now! While you can and you will gain a lot of money in this year!
Everyone's expecting the pattern to repeat, which usually causes the inverse. While everyone is waiting for the dump to buy in, the price suddenly jumps instead of crashing.
Buy some BTC and or other crypto you believe in if you have spare money you can afford to lose and forget about it for at least two years from now. Then evaluate from there... Panic selling is the worst you can do now
Let's see what happens, just hodl :o