BHW Member needs help (getting contacted on Fiverr) TODAY


Registered Member
Mar 6, 2013
Reaction score
Hi fellow BHW’ers,

I finally figured out why my message response rate on my Fiverr seller account keeps falling below 90% every single month even though I felt I responded.

Turns out that I am expected to either respond to or manually report to Fiverr’s “award-winning” support team whenever I get yet another nightly email from a certain ethic group (I have a middle eastern look to some people, but am not) which range from a simple a compliment about my profile picture (it’s fine and appreciated unless I HAVE TO respond to them) to quite a bit more forward dating requests (and worse).

Good old Fiverr dinging my RESPONSE RATE for months now, effectively preventing my account from finally being upgraded to at least level 2 again. I’ve contacted them and was told that there is nothing they can do to change the trailing Dashboard numbers other than the manual reporting by me (yeah, right). My actual response time when it comes to my actual business is 1 hour or less, but I was told that they even count the spam messages I’ve been getting and deleting against my response rate. No Wonder!

Hence, I need a few fresh inquires (literally just a quick message on Fiverr such as):

Hi there, is there a way for me to check out some samples of your work before I placed an order?

That’s all I need. Just a contact message I can “respond” to briefly to get my response rate up 3 or 4%. No purchase or money required!

Not sure what kind of payback / favor / pay to offer for your help, but if someone has a legitimate Fiverr seller account and has some ideas, please PM me for a link where you can contact me on Fiverr.

It’s all a bit time sensitive, too, since my review date is already tomorrow.

Thank you soooooo very much.