BHW isn't really Black - Unsatisfied

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Apr 3, 2020
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I think BHW isn't that much related to blackhat things nowadays or before. Most people discuss the same repeated methods on which thread is already available or white hat hacks. I expected something really darker.

I expect something related:-

Of course, it's old but something new after being a paid member. Otherwise, it's just a normal chit-chat platform to ask for only common topics and help. If I pay for ads on youtube my threads would be more successful if include a total cost of $180 + hard work.( for those who think you can place marketplace threads)
I took a look at the ebook in the link, basically you want to see small frauds then. Methods to scam and defraud banks, affiliate system, get free products, etc.

It might be more appropriate to go to a more illegal, hacking or carding forum then.

BHW is about black hat tactics more linked to SEO than black tactics to make money illegally.
Yes, search harder, bro...
On a serious note, you gotta search using Google search modifiers, advance bhw search and there are multiple guides on just how to search bhw.
No point doing darker things when your sites get suspended, demonetized or banned. The forum is still called black hat world not dark hat world.

Plus the subscription may be underwhelming until you become creative. Use it to your advantage.
You have discovered this after 400 messages in the forum?

But it's true that this is not as BH as you could find out there. I would say that BHW is more of Grey Hat World + Making Money Online Universe.

BHW is not as bright as in WF where they shit their pants out when they read the 3 magic letters (P, B and N.) but not as dark as the Dark Web where you could buy an explicitly robbed CC to pay your next FBM campaign or ask for a list of hacked sites for footer linkbuilding.
Expectations and reality don't go hand in hand always.
Over years playing easy with loopholes has become not that easy and so it's only the generic stuff that works for long term.
Thus, everything revolves around only generic stuff, and it gives results.
If I pay for ads on youtube my threads would be more successful if include a total cost of $180 + hard work.
If you don't mind, would you share the process or even a simple overview of the method here.
Never did any ads on YT so would like to know more.

Stuff like these often don't get shared on internet anymore unless it gets patched, saturated or after been squeezed to max.
That's what has disappointed you I can understand.

In my case I have had a decent run being a paid member and with my past BST and all the stuff from WTB or HAF and yes the signature.
That's why I am not so disappointed maybe.
We are in 2023, these old black tricks don't work anymore. Obviously there are new ones, but the security nowadays is much better, so, you can be sued, demonetized, banned or even arrested doing stuff like that.

A few methods can work long enough to make you rich without being caught, but it's really rare to see someone that can provide it for free and probably ruin his own method.
I was going to upgrade and create a thread to sell my aged accounts, now I am confused, not worth it to spend $180?
ther is a difference between blackhat breaking T.O.S. and being criminal.
example bypassing youtube tos, botting view for revenue
I was going to upgrade and create a thread to sell my aged accounts, now I am confused, not worth it to spend $180?
I guess it's worth it as a seller. However, i heard that the jrvip money making section it's empty.
If you are unsatisfied with BHW, ShitList it :D
Black hat can actually be divided into 2 more hats
there is illegal Black hat and legal black hat
we deal with the legal side of things.
you want illegal things, then BHW isnt the place for you at all.
Pretty sure that was very clear in the ToS when you signed up.
Then again, you probably didn't read that either.
I see point as in not blackhat SEO. Is most about whitehat SEO now and just little percent on forum skilled enough do real blackhat SEO. I mean not illegal but do cloaking and auto generate content in mass so real spam that work if done right. Many now think it not work and follow Google so in sense is not so much blackhat SEO here. But is possible to find there are threads about it.
We are in 2023, these old black tricks don't work anymore. Obviously there are new ones, but the security nowadays is much better, so, you can be sued, demonetized, banned or even arrested doing stuff like that.

A few methods can work long enough to make you rich without being caught, but it's really rare to see someone that can provide it for free and probably ruin his own method.
This is a valid point as well. Browsers used to be too easy to fool previously. Now a days, not so much. With that, https changed everything. You don’t open up wire shark and watch for plaintext packets anymore…..
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