better than hostgator


Registered Member
Mar 28, 2010
Reaction score
Hello !

I want to buy host better than hostgator. Who can help me ? Thanks !
I have been with certifiedhosting for a while, Ive also had HG and some others.

They are a smller company but I fell like I get more personalized attention. I have never had any problems with them and the support helped me many times when things were to complicated for me to handle.
Use WiredTree.. Awesome Support :-) using it from 2 years!
In the last 8 years I've been with 7 different hosts. I've been with HostGator for the last 3 years. Nobody is better than they are. I'm not an affiliate, just a huge fan.

They're prices are great and support is the best. I created a problem earlier (deleted a file and didn't realize), they found the problem and fixed it for me. Total time: 7 minutes from my first email to them.
I have many sites hosted on blue host,it looks more reliable than others.
Ive been with HostGator for 9 years, have many accounts with them. Never had a problem - whats yours just out of curiosity?
it's been 6 years that i'm running with a hosting company called HostClear , they're professional with fast/cheap services , i strongly recommend them
I didn't notice until just today that you can't register your domain at hostgator. Is this correct? So I have to buy it somewhere else, then pay 10 bucks or whatever to transfer the name?

Is this something anyone else considers or are you all high rollers?
I like anhosting(.com). Similarly priced and still uses cpanel. Are you on the basic hostgator package with a ton of sites? May just require upgrading the package.