Best YouTube Network for copyrighted videos?


Registered Member
Nov 12, 2014
Reaction score
Hi i'm searching for a network with a big share that doesn't unpartner when channel recieves strikes
But if you get a strike, doesn't YouTube take away some privileges?
Splec Network
A Partnership network for dedicated and passionate creators on YouTube.

Partnership Features:

✔ No lock-in contract! Feel free to leave if you choose to do so!
✔ No withholding tax! You earn 100% of everything you make.
✔ YouTube Mentorship! We guide you to more channel growth.
✔ Affiliate program, get paid to recruit channels.
✔ We enable full revenue visibility!
✔ No payment thresholds!
✔ 24/7 staff support!
✔ Sponsorship Opportunities (chance to win games and potential products)!
We're currently trying to get an additional sponsorship deal exclusive for Aura Partners.
✔ Royalty-Free Music Library (AudioMicro, Epidemic Sounds, etc)!
✔ Collections of graphics and templates!


Our network does not only target channels with high view amounts.
Our focus is to find passionate content creators on YouTube,
who enjoy producing high quality content and have the willingness to grow their channel continuously.
Therefore we look at each channel individually and assess the quality and potential of it.

Apply on our Website:

Thank you,
Splec Network
Depends what you consider "strike".

If it's DETECTED by Youtube as obvious copyright (like Lady Gaga video or ....). Then you're probably gone.

But if it's only 3rd party claim and you pick the "it's not 3rd party blah blah, it's invalid claim" and if the copyright holder who made claim didn't respont in month or so, his claim is considered groundless. Many studios only claim ownership but don't react to your reply.
Any network will kick you out if you got a copyright strike because YT is warning a MCN's CEO that if he don't contact the partner who received a stike and force him to remove this video then the network will suspend. But actually you won't be able to monetize content under affilate type of partnership at all. And you can't receive a managed partnership status unless you are a trusted content creator.
No networks would partner you if you have a copyright strikes because it is a big risk for them.
Quizgroup is the best now, share is 80%, the requirement is at least 1000 views and 10 subscribers in last 30 days. :)



:p if you have any question then just ask me.
You want to break copyrighted videos on youtube and you are searching for someone who will support you with it. Are you sure that even exist ?