best way to pay rent ?


Banned - Shitlisted and did not do the right thing
Aug 27, 2016
Reaction score
So I have been out of the game awhile and need to start over, whats the best way to pay the rent these days ? I have scrapebox and gsa aswell but are interested in affiliates that actualy pays good... anyone?
nobody seioes who can answer, best way to make money online now fastest...
Dude at least do a search on the forum before asking dumb questions.
these non serious answer people make no money that why they cant give proper answer (except neon... neon good guy and success guy and funny guy... me respect him though we having bad start in past but now we loving each other as brothers)

what i recommend is you provide fiverr services for now.... then message newbie webmasters saying they can buy seo service at your fiverr link. you need make fiverr salespage very good... need ideas just see bhw marketplace with many bullshit claims like 'penguin ready', 'top rank in 2 weeks or money back' etc

your username seems to tell you provide media service??? if you can use photoshop and such then provide that as services in fiverr too... find personal or cafe or restaurant sites telling them you can provide design services

need more ideas??? message me

once you start earning just request via paypal payment then paypal to bank account

hardwork yes.... but at least you work at homes... if you still want easier way then none of us can help you not even Krishna.
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these non serious answer people make no money that why they cant give proper answer (except neon... neon good guy and success guy and funny guy... me respect him though we having bad start in past but now we loving each other as brothers)

Bold statement for someone braging about being high on meds.

Anyway @Op:

Also if I got you right you're looking for shortcuts. Most old short cuts are gone for good, and those who know the current ones won't for sure reveal them ;)
these non serious answer people make no money that why they cant give proper answer (except neon... neon good guy and success guy and funny guy... me respect him though we having bad start in past but now we loving each other as brothers)
Aww so cute .

OP just search for "guides" or "methods" in the making money forum. Lots of guides.
So I have been out of the game awhile and need to start over, whats the best way to pay the rent these days ? I have scrapebox and gsa aswell but are interested in affiliates that actualy pays good... anyone?

Offer services on Fiverr if you are proficient with these.
Look in hire a freelancer on here for these types of jobs.
Work harp and pay rent.
I think this is the fastest way.
Work harp and pay rent

The best way to pay rent is with money , if you don't have money you can always negociate with the owner ;)
Well first use a fancy, official sounding name, something with "studio" or "design" in the name.
Then don't read anything others have posted on a forum, called "making money" and instead put up a post asking to be spoon-feed a quick way to make money quick, with only listing some basic tools you own, but nothing about your knowledge on how to use them, or any other skills your "studio" does.
You're off to a good start...
Now, here is the "secret sauce"...
First you'll need the following tools:
  • Drills
  • 3" hole saw bit
  • Chinese finger trap
  • Roll of duct tape
  • 6' of rope
  • Screw in hook
  • Sharpie marker
  • Cell phone with stripe credit card swiper
Now go to the closest truck stop, go into the last stall and drill a 3" hole at about waist level. Cover the edges with duct tape, a little courtesy goes a long way. On the stall next to it, write with the sharpie marker "for a time you'll never forget". Go back to your stall, attach the hook into the building wall opposite the hole and attach one end to the Chinese finger trap. Wait patiently, nothing may happen for a bit. Once someone sticks their... we'll say "finger" into the hole, slide the Chinese finger trap over it and pull it tight with the rope and secure it in place. Don't release it until they swipe their credit card for $500. See, truth in advertising, they will never forget that time and you got your quick, easy money...

Or, read the forums, test out some things and come back with less spoon-feed style questions.

Your call...
in NL we mostly use automatic Wire Transfer to pay the rent.

But for example in the US it's pretty common to use a check, or pay in cash.
Well first use a fancy, official sounding name, something with "studio" or "design" in the name.
Then don't read anything others have posted on a forum, called "making money" and instead put up a post asking to be spoon-feed a quick way to make money quick, with only listing some basic tools you own, but nothing about your knowledge on how to use them, or any other skills your "studio" does.
You're off to a good start...
Now, here is the "secret sauce"...
First you'll need the following tools:
  • Drills
  • 3" hole saw bit
  • Chinese finger trap
  • Roll of duct tape
  • 6' of rope
  • Screw in hook
  • Sharpie marker
  • Cell phone with stripe credit card swiper
Now go to the closest truck stop, go into the last stall and drill a 3" hole at about waist level. Cover the edges with duct tape, a little courtesy goes a long way. On the stall next to it, write with the sharpie marker "for a time you'll never forget". Go back to your stall, attach the hook into the building wall opposite the hole and attach one end to the Chinese finger trap. Wait patiently, nothing may happen for a bit. Once someone sticks their... we'll say "finger" into the hole, slide the Chinese finger trap over it and pull it tight with the rope and secure it in place. Don't release it until they swipe their credit card for $500. See, truth in advertising, they will never forget that time and you got your quick, easy money...

Or, read the forums, test out some things and come back with less spoon-feed style questions.

Your call...

You have done this before haven't you?