Well first use a fancy, official sounding name, something with "studio" or "design" in the name.
Then don't read anything others have posted on a forum, called "making money" and instead put up a post asking to be spoon-feed a quick way to make money quick, with only listing some basic tools you own, but nothing about your knowledge on how to use them, or any other skills your "studio" does.
You're off to a good start...
Now, here is the "secret sauce"...
First you'll need the following tools:
- Drills
- 3" hole saw bit
- Chinese finger trap
- Roll of duct tape
- 6' of rope
- Screw in hook
- Sharpie marker
- Cell phone with stripe credit card swiper
Now go to the closest truck stop, go into the last stall and drill a 3" hole at about waist level. Cover the edges with duct tape, a little courtesy goes a long way. On the stall next to it, write with the sharpie marker "for a time you'll never forget". Go back to your stall, attach the hook into the building wall opposite the hole and attach one end to the Chinese finger trap. Wait patiently, nothing may happen for a bit. Once someone sticks their... we'll say "finger" into the hole, slide the Chinese finger trap over it and pull it tight with the rope and secure it in place. Don't release it until they swipe their credit card for $500. See, truth in advertising, they will never forget that time and you got your quick, easy money...
Or, read the forums, test out some things and come back with less spoon-feed style questions.
Your call...