Best way to generate clicks without google adsense detecting you (tor? exit nodes? proxys?


Sep 15, 2012
Reaction score
Say you want 20 clicks a day on your site, what's the best BH method?

I read that google know all the TOR exit nodes so that rules that one out.

Any tips for reading?
The issue is not so much going through proxies but what the user does *after* they click.
Interesting, what do you mean? Is this in regards to fooling google you are idly browsing the net? If so, you could easily do this for a while... How can the big G detect this?
Meaning, 600 additional clicks each month generating 0 additional conversions could look a bit odd.
its better to spend your time finding a better way
because from what i know Google staff are tuff enough
Say you want 20 clicks a day on your site, what's the best BH method?

I read that google know all the TOR exit nodes so that rules that one out.

Any tips for reading?


1. Pack your things. You've got a one way ticket to bannedville.
2. Register an adbrite account in preparation for the ban.
2. Don't waste your time... google thought of this a long time ago... they have genius' sitting around figuring out ways to shut that down. It will NEVER work. Google tracks everything from all of their users. They can assume a certain percentage of clicks will be from gmail users, where they can track everything. If suddenly they have a vendor where all of their clicks have no activity elsewhere, it won't make sense. That's just one example. It's not worth it. Go white hat.
Tor can be ruled out from the start: if you do a reverse lookup even you can see the IP resolves to a tor exit node most of the time.. And while it's certainly not impossible to cheat adsense, it's DEFINITELY impossible at this stage of your knowledge.
its better to spend your time finding a better way
because from what i know Google staff are tuff enough

Quite right. Why do people (meaning the OP and sadly plenty of others) think Black Hat SEO means thieving by scamming their peers?

People who are advertising on Google Adwords are generally fellow marketers just trying to make a living...why do you want to steal from them? And in the meantime put more money into Google's coffers?

Oh, I see, just to make a few dollars for yourself and hopefully get paid once before your account gets banned - and not caring that someone who might just be trying to feed his kids and get through the month is paying for you to get paid - and all cos you are too lazy to be creative or try to come up with something to make money that might actually be useful for someone.
The issue is not so much going through proxies but what the user does *after* they click.
Exactly, as an adsense advertiser, I can see sites that generate a lot of clicks and don't convert. If you want to trick the Adsense system, You will have to buy all the products you click on at least once every 100 clicks which is not profitable. Adsense has also a quality score that doesn't get you banned but lowers the CPC on your site. And finally you would need to generate thousands of clicks to make a few bucks, and the few thousands of clicks which don't convert would be the proof you're cheating.

So, they don't even need to trace IPs of the clicks, this technique is far more efficient.
It would also be the activity google tracks (among MANY other things.) Like, where did they go after they left the website where they clicked? People don't click an ad, and stop browsing. People browse for hours, and visit hundreds of sites.
Comforting to know its hard to do. Nothing's changed in years then. It's still about finding a good niche and writing good content
Comforting to know its hard to do. Nothing's changed in years then. It's still about finding a good niche and writing good content

The only thing that has changed is that Google is now smarter.

DON'T FUCK WITH GOOGLE when they are signing your checks: It is as simple as that.

You may be able to make some quick bucks, but long term sustainability is far more valuable.
Say you want 20 clicks a day on your site, what's the best BH method?

I read that google know all the TOR exit nodes so that rules that one out.

Any tips for reading?

Many other decent anti-proxy services knows TOR nodes as well. The problem is that your click through rate can't increase too rapidly unless you want to say bye bye to your campaign and payment.

Say if you have 1k clicks daily, I don't think so it will hurt if you boost it with unlisted proxies say 50 clicks more but if your site have on average 5 clicks daily and you give a try to your new proxies and generate suddenly 100 new clicks. You won't receive a payment. On a long-term your only option is to increase clicks slowly but don't be too greedy.

There's a saying, greedy people will always have a shit end. Don't push your luck with google, they are not stupid.
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