Best way to create one-page wordpress sites.


Power Member
May 25, 2007
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What's the best way to create simple one-page wordpress sites for targeting low-competition keywords?

If I make a site with just one or two blog posts, it looks too confusing for the user, with the sidebar and all the distractions. Are there themes that can clean up the presentation, make it more simple for users?
There are 2 ways that I know of to do this

1 - Use a plugin - google "exclude pages wordpress" and its there. This lets you hide any pages you dont want the user to see.

2 - If its for a clickbank type page, there was a theme on here called (flexx squeze or something along those lines). A look through the templates will get you it.

Hope this helps.
I use the Thesis theme for the clean look. It has a lot of features that are good for conversion.
erm...............static page option?????
Is it possible to have a one page site that's solely made up of an amazon affiliate shop. I've tried cutting and pasting the html into the blog post but it does't look great.
why don't you try using xitepro instead of creating a blog.there are some simple but effective templates in is available for download in BHW.
I think the best thing to do is just modify the theme yourself, if you know anything about coding. All you're doing is finding the pieces of code you don't want and deleting them.

You can rip it all the way down to nothing or anything in between. The first time you do it, it might take some time but then you'll know how to mod any theme to your liking. You'll also pick up some ideas about how wp functions on the backend.

Once you get familiar with it, it will take you 30 seconds (or less) to locate something like "Archives" and rip it out of a theme.
If you are just going to have a one page site why do you not just use a simple HTML or PHP static site? Just download a template from OSWD or similar. You'd have it set up in 5 minutes, and no need to worry about updating wordpress all the time.
In the past I used FlexSqueeze for sites like that.
It's still good but I moved to iThemes Builder.

Within one site you can have a different layout for every page (if you want that).
That includes header, widgets, width, navigation, etc.

You could have a static sales-page (without widgets or other distractions) as the homepage and a blog with updated content to keep the SE's happy.

I think it's shared here on BHW so you could try before you buy.

As for the remark that you need to update WP all the time -> if it works there's no need for that.