Best parking website ?


Regular Member
Sep 21, 2009
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I've looked through first few pages with nothing.

Whats the best place to keep all of your domains organized and parked while you're not using them?
im asking because i was using sedo for awhile... but i hate the layout. just signed up for
hei brother,I tried to sign up here but they want at least 10 domain to put my feature domain name.But i have only 4 domain.So,What can i do now ?
hei brother,I tried to sign up here but they want at least 10 domain to put my feature domain name.But i have only 4 domain.So,What can i do now ?

Well, either reg six .info's to get to 10, or get a referral code from someone (it depends a *lot* on the right mix of mojo as to how much a referral code will get you in the door, but those are pretty much the two options I can think of off the top of my head).
HOW much does you guys make from parking??

Is it just about find expired domain names *high traffic keyworded domain names* and the park it???
Not really just about that, there's actually more to it. High-paying keywords, and/or tonnes of traffic. The right parking company that lets you customise your templates at least some. And there are a *lot* of sleazy or fly by night parking companies (sedo and parked are not, there are others that are legit, but there are many that are not).

Also the volume of business you do with a parker can get you better treatment, and some parkers can help you with one-click templates, and so on....there's a fair amount to it, and you're losing a cut of the money in exchange for some convenience....but for some names it could be lucrative.
I can't get accepted to any parking websites, not parked or trafficz. I have over 100 .com domain names, but whenever I apply, they say my domains do not meet quality requirements. Anyone know more about these requirements or have tips for getting accepted?
I can't get accepted to any parking websites, not parked or trafficz. I have over 100 .com domain names, but whenever I apply, they say my domains do not meet quality requirements. Anyone know more about these requirements or have tips for getting accepted?

Their requirements vary between the different companies, and are not transparent at all, but in general:

When applying @ a parking company, do not give them the entire list of names in your portfolio; read their minimums and give them a bit more than that; and give them the "best" of your names. Highest traffic, age, etc.