Best method for increase views


Sep 13, 2013
Reaction score
Hi, what is the best method for increase views? Es Addmefast ecc...
I am wondering how this affects what the OP wants??!!
Getting a longer video make you video get more "organic" views.
Obviously it's not really clean hack but I would say that it's better than to get our videos banned by buying views from dubious buyers.
Getting a longer video make you video get more "organic" views.
Obviously it's not really clean hack but I would say that it's better than to get our videos banned by buying views from dubious buyers.

Sorry buddy but what is the relationship between the length of a video and the number of visitors (views) please?
I would say increase video length if you want to stay white hat

What type of long Video you are uploading ? xxx ? Its only works if you upload xxx Other ways no body will view this fully.
Getting a longer video make you video get more "organic" views.

Completely wrong man.

A 1 minute video that get fully viewed will get so much more organic views compared to a 15 minutes video that get on average 10-30 seconds long views. And creating a compelling 1 minute video is like 15 time easier...
It seems easier to get a video of 10 minutes, viewed for 2 minutes than to get a video of 1 minute, viewed for also 2 minutes. :)
After as always, it's hard to be 100% sure.
It seems easier to get a video of 10 minutes, viewed for 2 minutes than to get a video of 1 minute, viewed for also 2 minutes. :)
After as always, it's hard to be 100% sure.

Hmmm I wonder why?...
You can buy views from sites like Fiverr and SEOclerks.
Fiverr sellers just use mobile views. Not that hard to manipulate, watch a video on the YouTube mobile app, configure Fiddler on your iOS device, look at the requests, save them, watch a different video and continue until you see the patterns.

share the video on social networks, and it increases the views.