Best keyword tool?


Registered Member
Sep 15, 2017
Reaction score
I've had VidIQ for a long time but I feel like it isn't as helpful as it should be. If keywordtool .io wasn't stupidly expensive I'd go that route. Any other free / reasonably priced tools you guys use?
I stick to VidIQ for so long that I didn't even check other tools. I've tried regular SEO kw research tools like Ahrefs but they are horrible when it comes to YouTube. You can try TubeBuddy which is equally popular.
flikover offers keywordtool io as well, you might check them out. For me it works without any problems
Honestly I use tubebuddy but I also hear great things about VidIQ. Theyre pretty similar with slight differences. Best thing to do is look up reviews on both and pick