Best Desktop Recording Software?


Junior Member
Jan 21, 2009
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What are all these IM "gurus" using to record their videos? The one where it has a bullseye when you click your mouse, ect.

Anyone know?
If you are talking about the "over-the-shoulders" type videos where you are seeing his computer screen and hearing his voice, then Camtasia is what you are looking for. It's available here on the forum.
Hmm.. I never thought of it as 'over the shoulder' you don't see their computers or anything, usually just their desktop.

Thanks, I'll check it out
To sk1ll:

Sorry . . . I didn't invent the term. "Over-The-Shoulder" is what those types of videos are called. And of course, it isn't really over-the-shoulder. It just captures all of your movements on the presenter's screen. It's AS IF you were looking over the presenter's shoulder.
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If you want the best. . . then Camtasia. For ease of use, take a look at Jing.
