Best Adsense Plugin for Wordpress?


Senior Member
Apr 7, 2009
Reaction score
Hi all,

Finally, I got accepted on Adsense!

I did a search and couldn't find anything that was reasonably new so thought would ask what's the best way to add Adsense to a Wordpress site? (I'm using GeneratePress).

I'm really looking for a way that "stickies" the bottom ad bar when viewed on mobile and a way to insert the ads inside the content or any other ad placement tips most welcome!

I think @Shaunm favours the Advanced Ads plugin:

Any other suggestions?

I don’t think adsense allows sticky ads have they changed their polciy? If you use auto ads you won’t need a plugin. Or use advanced ads good plugin with good support
Just a follow up on this, I tried Google auto ads and it seems really good.

Ads in the content and on the sidebar.
Quick AdSense - Simple and Good unless you need super advance featured
Ad Inserter Pro - if you need advance stuff
I just use their auto ads system now, it uses their AI to try put the ads in the best places possible for the highest possible income.

Did you tried old school 3 combo?

above content
middle content
below content

I googled a ton of places and everywhere says manual place the ad is much better than auto ads, but very seldom claimed auto ads were performing better, so I always choose manual. I should do a A-B testing but I am lazy, did you tried manual? Maybe its better than auto...