Which program? Choice of 3


Oct 2, 2009
Reaction score
I wanted to ask some experienced affiliate marketers what program would be the best option as an affiliate of this company -

I am not sure which would work out best, their landing page is pretty good and free sign up is only a couple of pieces of information so I think it may have a decent FREE sign up conversion rate...I'm not sure though.

Advice for a NooB =)
Personally I'd probably start out with the free leads program and see what happens. If you are seeing very many of the free leads converting to paid, then I'd switch to pay per sale. Question, how much traffic do you have (estimate) monthly? Have you experience with other dating affiliate programs?

If so, what do you like? what do you NOT like?

I'm launching my code base soon that includes a unique dating site, and a fully equipped affiliate network center.... so I need to try and get it right the first time.

Thus far, I'm planning on being different from the others, and allowing payment on both Sign-Ups, and Upgrade/Subscription conversions. Also, adding bonuses for a few things.

Ideas? I've been coding this base for like.. 1.5 years now.. insane I know.

Ideas are most welcome!