BDM will remain "whitehat" tool....


Regular Member
Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
Recently there was a poll should bhd "remain whitehat" or add visual aid tool where people can use captcha, after some time we get results that 53% want bhd to "Remain whitehat' and use no visual captcha aid.

Seriously, what kind of stupid bullshit is this? Is there really so many whiners out there who think they are angels of white color for using BDM? It is still the fucking same tool with same goal, captcha or not its still the same crap, what the hell are this people thinking?

Only thing that is changed with visual aid is ability to save boring time of entering things manually, fuck your white, green, red, brown and all other colors i am going for refund. If they really want to use no captcha they dont have to, who would force those 53% people to use captcha? No one but every single guy there who votes on visual aid will remain fucked.
It's always the same story with do-gooders. They fucked society over in just the same way.
I wonder if those are truly the results of the poll - could it be that they are just too lazy to implement it?

Anyway, that is a bunch of BS - if you were doing whitehat, why would you need a tool anyway? Wouldn't a whitehat person rather sit there all day doing it manually?
fucking hypocrites thats it, or he is just bsing about 53%, hard to tell
I noticed that today too and it sucks. Did anybody here actually take this poll? I haven't seen anybody post that they were asked yet.
I did the poll, so you can count me in on the 47% that said yes. I received an email about it around the 12th of October I think.
I did the poll, so you can count me in on the 47% that said yes, too
Yeah, that's a really stupid decision from Edwin.
That's why I bought Bookmarkwiz BTW, supports decaptcher / beatcaptcha / bypasscaptcha for account creation and posting, works pretty well :)
bdm is too wack to really bump your ranks fast so its whitehat aka crap
I also wondered if this was just a BS way to cover for being too lazy to add a vital feature. But yeah, this pretty much kills BMD for me, the timing couldn't be worse with all the crap with BMD5 and now knowing we're not going to get captcha solving out of it at least.

And yes, if this was a legitimate poll... then people are really weird (and stupid). Just because you did more work to enter captchas doesn't make you any less of a spammer, just a less efficent one
I try not to get offensive online these days but this is just retarded and so are the "keep it whitehat" crowd.

They have no problem spamming their link over hundreds of unrelated sites.
They have no problem posting RSS feeds to cover their tracks.
They have no problem with using proxies to get around the rules site admins have put in place to stop spammers.
But for some reason when it comes to, argueably the most convienent step, they draw the ethical line that its not right.
Then they impose this on others instead of just choosing to not use it themselves.
I never got the poll but got the results.

If BMD is to remain a whitehat tool at least it should be a working one, it's not. There are better free & quicker tools on the market now. Thanks for the long awaited update.
Please, it's not an issue of whitehat/blackhat usage. It's programmability to include it and deal with the headaches of a service being up/down at the time the call for decaptcha is made. I'm programming a bot now to do this and that's the issue i'm running into. I've made the decision to make 3 attempts at it, and on the 3rd if it doesn't pass through, then enter in a manual captcha entry.
deep inside every whitehatter secretly wishes they could accelerate their results.

so they use BMD, deluding themselves into thinking they are still above board with their

i think you can only truely define an application as black or white depending on whether Big G decided to pull out the big black dildo on your BMD'd (or whatever) site .

The search engines are the yardstick IMO. ;)
I bet you anything they are just not willing to take on the task of programming for it....continuously. That would be a job that would take constant work on their part. The poll is rigged.
Yeah, that's a really stupid decision from Edwin.
That's why I bought Bookmarkwiz BTW, supports decaptcher / beatcaptcha / bypasscaptcha for account creation and posting, works pretty well :)

Haha, same reason here :)
Please, it's not an issue of whitehat/blackhat usage. It's programmability to include it and deal with the headaches of a service being up/down at the time the call for decaptcha is made. I'm programming a bot now to do this and that's the issue i'm running into. I've made the decision to make 3 attempts at it, and on the 3rd if it doesn't pass through, then enter in a manual captcha entry.

Maybe I'm mistaken, but I think that the hardest part is to regularly change the code when the social bookmarking websites changes, I dont see how the implementation of captcha breaking is that difficult, since there is an API.

Yeah that's what bookmarkiw / xrumer do, it make x attemps with one service, if it fails you can try with another one or enter the captcha by hand.