Recently there was a poll should bhd "remain whitehat" or add visual aid tool where people can use captcha, after some time we get results that 53% want bhd to "Remain whitehat' and use no visual captcha aid.
Seriously, what kind of stupid bullshit is this? Is there really so many whiners out there who think they are angels of white color for using BDM? It is still the fucking same tool with same goal, captcha or not its still the same crap, what the hell are this people thinking?
Only thing that is changed with visual aid is ability to save boring time of entering things manually, fuck your white, green, red, brown and all other colors i am going for refund. If they really want to use no captcha they dont have to, who would force those 53% people to use captcha? No one but every single guy there who votes on visual aid will remain fucked.
Seriously, what kind of stupid bullshit is this? Is there really so many whiners out there who think they are angels of white color for using BDM? It is still the fucking same tool with same goal, captcha or not its still the same crap, what the hell are this people thinking?
Only thing that is changed with visual aid is ability to save boring time of entering things manually, fuck your white, green, red, brown and all other colors i am going for refund. If they really want to use no captcha they dont have to, who would force those 53% people to use captcha? No one but every single guy there who votes on visual aid will remain fucked.